Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mayans, the Tribe of Zebulon

The Mayans, a peculiar and strange indigenous people that were known to inhabit some parts of Mexico and almost all of what is now known as Central America, were a group of so-called "Indians" that roamed these lands and eventually established their civilizations and cities. What is known about them is only what we have left of their oral tradition and ancient ruined monuments. The Mayans are believed to be an ethic race of asianics that came here a long time ago by the Bering Strait some ten of thousands of years ago; but this is not the case at all. Yes, Mayans are obviously mixed somewhat with asianic genes that probably do stem from asians from the east, but observe the Mayans a bit closer and you will see that they are not 100% asian at all, in fact, by comparison their is no asian people in the east that even come close that resemble the Mayans at all. Now some would argue the Filipinos and Cambodians have some samiliraties, sure, but the Filipinos and Cambodians are not 100% asian either which I touch on later on another post.

A full blooded people or nation that are 100% asian would be Chinese, North and South Koreans, Japanese, and the Vietnamese. The asian nations I just mention are full blooded asians. So compare the Mayans to these asian nations and you'll notice that they don't match up at all. Yes, in some ways they do, but in many ways they don't. This is probably due to the obvious fact that the Mayans are mixed with asian but not fully asian. The Mayans have been identified and recognized by members of the Tribe of Judah as one of the Lost Tribes of Israel known as Zebulon. Theirs prophecies to back this up; but even more astounding is the similarities between the the man who was known as Zebulon and the Mayans of today.

In the Apocrypha, in the Testament of Zebulon, a description of the characteristics is given of Zebulon. He was "a philanthropist and inventor." Many scholars of today have mentioned this so often; that the Mayans were "innovative and creative."  Zebulon was an invetor, and if Zebulon was an inventor that the Mayans must be, by birth, naturally gifted with innovative, creative, and imaginative ability. Some people would say, but why? Because we now that genes, traits, and characteristics pass down from grandpa and grandma, to father and son, and so on to generation to generation.

The Mayans were so creative that they implemented their gift to almost everything they did. Their art, architecture, paintings, foods, and clothing were all created with this imaginative ability to invent things on a grand scale.The Mayans created structures and monuments that would rival those found at Teotihuacan and Tollan. Art that rival that of Rome and Greece. Engravings on stone that were incredibly unique. And established cities that rivalled those of ancient China. With this evidence that is before us, and with the prophecies found in the bible, we can certainly say that the Mayans are the Tribe of Zebulon.

Zebulon descendants are now living in places like El Salvador, Hounduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama and in Yucatan, Mexico. You can usually tell them apart from Issachar (Mexicans), because they tend to be very friendly, social, outgoing. They like to talk alot and are very expressive, I guess this is due to them being highly imaginitive. Mayans are known in Chiapas, Mexico to create some of the finest indigenous clothes you can find anywhwere in Mexico. They get along with Issachar just find, only wwhen they theor is political struggles do they bump heads once in awhile.

For those of you who have a hard time believing Mayans are the descendants of Zebulon, you should know that they are very spiritual when comes to matters like God. So believe me, don't let this confuse you. The Mayans are the tribe of Zebulon.


  1. Ayyeee this is my la familia!! Spiritual revealed to me that I’m from the tribe of Zebulun!❤️⛵️

  2. Ayyeeee!! This is my la Familia! Holy Spirit revealed to me this is my family’s bloodline❤️⛵️
